Code of Conduct

Mission Statement

As a Christian school, we will enable all students to achieve their full potential in a happy, secure and respectful environment. To this end, we foster an atmosphere of learning and responsibility. Our Mission Statement fosters the holistic development of each individual student within an atmosphere of care, concern and respect.


Delivery of the Mission Statement requires students and teachers to work together in a quiet, purposeful and efficient manner to achieve excellence in education. Each student is encouraged to do as well as s/he possibly can.

To ensure the smooth running of the school, for the benefit of all, a Code of Conduct based on respect for self, others and for property is necessary.

This policy exists alongside other school policies including the school’s School Uniform Rules, Classroom Behaviour Management Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy, Pastoral Care Policy, Suspension and Expulsion Policy and Health and Safety Policy.

As with other policies, the school’s Code of Conduct is reviewed annually and if necessary will be amended in accordance with school requirements and Department of Education and Skills regulations.


Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers and Management

Teachers and Management will endeavour to maintain a consistent and fair approach to supporting positive behaviour by: /

  • Fostering mutually respectful relationships between students, parents/guardians and all staff on the school campus

  • Rewarding positive behaviour and learning achievements / efforts

  • Following clearly defined procedures

  • Adopting constructive, effective and fair sanctions

  • Implementing appropriate teaching strategies to enable all students to achieve their potential

  • Providing support through the pastoral system and the SPHE programme


Roles and Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians

Parents/Guardians and teachers are the significant adults in the lives of young people at school. Parents/Guardians will encourage positive student behaviour by:

  • Fostering mutually respectful relationships between students, parents/guardians and all staff on the school campus.

  • Supporting the school in its high expectations of positive behaviour and high standards of achievement

  • Encouraging and supporting their children’s progress

  • Informing the school of concerns which may affect the child’s progress

  • Providing feedback through the Parents Association on how policies and practices might be more effective

  • Attending the Parent-Teacher meetings as arranged annually

  • Discussing matters with the Principal or any teacher having contacted the school office so that a mutually convenient appointment can be arranged

  • Making themselves available to discuss their child’s progress and behaviour if requested to do so by the Principal or Year Head


Roles and Responsibilities of Students

The students are the centre of the school community. Students are responsible for their behaviour and will engage in positive behaviour by:

  • Respecting themselves and others at all times

  • Creating a learning atmosphere in the classroom

  • Working to obtain the best education for themselves and others

  • Always acting in a safe manner

  • Showing respect for other people’s property and the school environment

  • Supporting the Student Council in its role as a voice for students

  • Raising issues, which concern them, whether at home or in school, with an appropriate person.


Positive Behaviour

It is recognised that it is important to reward students who make a positive contribution in the classroom and to school life in general. This may be done in a number of ways:

  • Effective use of praise and encouragement

  • Positive comment in homework Diary and School Report

  • Letter home to parents/guardian

  • Recognition at assemblies and in school publications

  • Presentation of prizes at assemblies

  • Voucher for school canteen

  • Delegation of responsibility to students

  • Subject related games activity in classroom

  • Display of students work

  • Recreational trip e.g. bowling

  • Exemption from homework

  • Positive feedback on incremental improvement

  • Report to Form Teacher, Year Head, Principal

  • Recognition in reference from school

  • Focus on strengths and achievements at Parent/Teacher meetings


Code of Conduct


The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set down some guidelines as to what is expected of students attending this school. This Code provides a framework to ensure that each student’s behaviour is in keeping with the best traditions of the school so that all students have the opportunity to achieve their potential and their education is not impeded by others. At all times particular emphasis is placed on politeness, courtesy, co-operation and respect for others and for their property. Any action / behaviour, which offends courtesy, good taste, common sense or honesty, will be deemed a breach of school regulations. Strict order and good behaviour must be observed by all pupils. Students must ensure that their behaviour reflects well on themselves and the school, both on an off the school premises. Students who break the rules will be responsible for the consequences.


A number of specific rules have evolved which contribute to the harmonious and efficient operation of the school. These rules create and foster an atmosphere, which is conducive to study, and a safe environment in which the pupil can achieve full potential. These rules together with a brief reason for their establishment are listed below:


General Rules:


Students are required to attend school regularly. It is the duty of parents / guardians to ensure regular attendance. If a student is absent, parents must submit a letter of explanation to the Headmaster via the front office.

If a student is absent for 20 or more days in the school year, this will be reported to the NEWB.

Students are not allowed to leave school during class hours (Normally Break is 11.15 – 11.30 a.m. and Lunchtime is 1.15 – 1.55 p.m.) without permission of the Headmaster. To receive permission to leave school early, a letter is required from a parent of the student; this must be presented to the front office first thing in the morning. This is in the interests of health and safety.

Students arriving late at school for any reason (other than a delayed school bus) must report to the school office, with a written explanation signed by a parent.

Day pupils with homes near the school who wish to go home for lunch must obtain permission from the Headmaster. Otherwise, the day-pupils may have lunch in the school canteen or eat a packed lunch in the canteen.


Punctuality is essential at all times.

Students should proceed directly from one classroom to another at class changeover time, and may not go to their lockers between, or during classes. Before Assembly (morning Assembly commences at 9.20 a.m.) at Break and Lunch time students should organise necessary books and equipment for the classes following.

Health & Safety:

Students must take care to ensure their own safety and the safety of others. Students must obey all safety instructions given by staff.

Students must exercise great care and responsibility arriving to and leaving from school, on school transport and between school and the Royal School House. Special care must be taken at and near the school gate.

Students are required to queue orderly for buses and to behave themselves in a responsible manner while on their way to and from school.

Involvement with or possession of dangerous objects, tobacco, alcohol, harmful substances and illegal drugs is prohibited

Having liquids / mixtures of eggs & flour etc to pour over students is disallowed. Fireworks are banned.

Throwing items – in classrooms, down stairs, out of windows or whilst waiting for buses is not allowed.

Chewing gum and possession of correcting fluid (e.g. Tippex) is not allowed in school.

Students who are sick or injured must report to Mrs. Cowan or, in her absence, the Office. Accidents must be reported without delay.

The Car park, Boiler house, Caretaker stores, lawns, gardens and tree areas are out of bounds to pupils. No student should be in a practical room, laboratory, staff kitchen or staffroom without a member of staff present.


Students must wear full school uniform at school, while travelling to and from school, at school functions and games. A full uniform list, including details of suppliers, is provided to all students at enrolment and regularly thereafter. If for any reason, a student is unable to wear full uniform an explanatory letter from his/her parents stating the reasons should be given to the teacher concerned.

All non-uniform items will be confiscated.

Uniform is to be kept clean, in good repair and clearly named.

(See full School Uniform regulations)

Runners are not to be worn in the school building. Black-soled runners or shoes are not allowed in the P.E. Hall.



All students must respect their own and others property. Students must report interference with their property to the relevant teacher e.g. uniform to teacher in charge of uniform, locker to teacher in charge of lockers, PE gear to PE teacher.


Any damage to others property, personal and school property, must be reported and paid for by those responsible.

There are occasions when property of pupils may be confiscated by school staff.


Circumstances may arise when it is considered necessary to search a student’s property in the investigation of a particular breach of the Code of Behaviour. This may take the form of:

– An instruction to a student to empty his/her schoolbag or pockets or locker

– Search of a student’s locker

– Search of a student’s schoolbag


Such action may be authorised by the Principal or Deputy Principal and will be carried out by two members of staff.


The school cannot accept responsibility for personal property, which students mislay; all personal property must be clearly named.


Money or valuables must not be left in cloakrooms, changing rooms or in school bags. Items of high value should not be brought to school. PE teachers or the School Office may take custody of money and other valuables which students clearly need to have in school.


Students must endeavour to keep the school environment safe and tidy. Care must be taken not to leave any litter in school buildings, school grounds or elsewhere. Waste must be placed in the appropriate bin and the School Recycling Policy complied with.

Student Mobile Phone Policy

This policy is necessary to ensure that:

  • Classes are not disrupted and students are concentrating on work rather than being distracted by mobile phones

  • Students are not late for class because they are using mobile phones

  • Harassment and bullying do not take place


Students may use mobile phones at the following times:

  • Before classes begin at 9.1-

  • During morning break, 11.18 –11.33

  • During lunch break

  • After the last class of the day


At other times, mobile phones and accessories must be switched off and kept out of sight.


If a teacher sees or hears a mobile phone outside of the times listed above, they have the authority to confiscate mobile phones. Confiscated phones will be sealed and placed in a secure environment and will be kept for one week.


  • Misuse of mobile phones (e.g. bullying or invading the privacy of others), will also result in confiscation.

  • Mobile phones may not be used as cameras or as video recorders.

  • Mobile phones must not be used in the toilets.

  • Students who bring mobile phones to school do so at their own risk.

  • Outgoing emergency calls are made by the school office.

  • The Department of Education & Skills does not allow mobile phones to be used as calculators or clocks

in examinations. This is also our school policy.

Extra-curricular Activities:

While academic success for each student is the main aim of the school, each student is encouraged to take part in the many and varied extra-curricular activities provided by the school.

If a student is absent from class in order to participate in games or other extra-curricular activities s/he should make all reasonable effort to catch up on work missed. Should frequent absences have a detrimental effect on academic progress the situation may be reviewed by the Headmaster.


Classroom Rules


Every student is expected to work diligently in order to make the best possible progress. Basic practical steps in this direction require: attentive participation; having books, copies and equipment; presenting neatly completed exercises and reviewing each day’s classwork through systematic study.

Disruption of teaching or learning will not be tolerated.

The subject teacher has the responsibility of managing the learning environment in the classroom and the instructions given must be followed. Disobedience, disrespect, confrontational behaviour or offensive language will not be tolerated.

Books for each class are to be in the schoolbag; students are to use the time before class in the morning, breaktime and lunchtime to get books out of lockers. Students should not ask to go to lockers during class.


On hearing bells at 11.30 a.m. and 2.10 p.m. students will proceed directly to classrooms and at the end of classes after students are dismissed by their teacher they will make their way directly to the next class. Any student delayed by a teacher should obtain a written note from that teacher to present to the teacher of the class following.

Student should form a single file going in and out of classrooms and on the stairs. Students should not enter a classroom until the previous class have all exited. On entering a classroom students should be seated at once, (at the allotted desk if appropriate) and get books out ready for the class to begin.

Any behaviour, which disrupts learning in class, is unacceptable; this may include use of mobile phones, audio or electronic equipment and consuming food or drinks.

Schoolbags, books and equipment should be kept clean and free of graffiti.

No student should move, interfere or tamper with equipment, furniture, fittings or displays in any classroom unless specifically invited to do so by the teacher in charge. Defacing any school property by writing or graffiti will not be tolerated. Respect must be shown to students’ and teachers’ personal property.

Before leaving a classroom students must place chairs under desks and remove any litter to the appropriate bin.

Class attendance:

Students must attend class as assigned in accordance with the school time-table. Truanting from class (whether on or off the school premises) is a serious breach of school rules.

Students must have written permission from their teacher when absent from their timetabled class.

When a student is withdrawn from regular timetabled classes for school teams or other activities an explanatory note, with times, should be issued by the teacher in charge. Missed classwork should be completed as soon as possible afterwards.

Pupils unable to participate in PE class must report to the teacher in charge and remain in the area of their class activity, under the supervision of their teacher. Outdoor clothing may be worn as necessary.


Homework is an integral part of the educational process. It helps students to develop a sense of responsibility and provides an opportunity to work independently.

Homework involves:

  • A thorough review of work done in class

  • Set written or oral work

  • Revision

  • Research

The minimum time expected to be spent at homework each evening is as follows:

  • 1st Year: 1 ½ hours

  • 2nd Year: 2 hours

  • 3rd Year: 2 – 2 ½ hours

  • Senior Cycle: 2 ½ – 3 hours


Class diaries:

The Class Diary is an essential part of school equipment and must be brought to class. The Class Diary is designed to help students organise their work. Students are not allowed to write in another student’s diary. If not in good state of repair, the school diary must be replaced. The diary must be available for inspection by teachers and used only for school purposes – clean and graffiti free. Parents are requested to examine their child’s diary regularly and sign entries as requested.

Students must record homework, other assignments and appropriate reminders in the diary.

The diary can also be used by teachers to record comments for parent’s information and to encourage students.

Students should make every effort to complete their homework properly and on time.


Disciplinary Procedures

Once enrolled, a student is subject to the discipline of the school and is only entitled to remain a student for as long as the discipline and rules of the school are obeyed.

The school policy is to reward academic endeavour and good behaviour. However, sanctions will be necessary when these are not evident or forthcoming.

Minor breaches of discipline and failure to produce work in class will be dealt with by the teacher concerned. Details of school procedures are contained in the Classroom Behaviour Management Policy.

Sanctions in the case of misdemeanours may involve detention, punitive work and chores within the school.

Where a pupil’s conduct warrants it, the Principal has authority to suspend a pupil. The Board of Management reserves the right to confirm suspension and to cancel enrolment. Details of school procedures are contained in the school’s Suspension and Expulsion policy.


Concluding Note

While it is not possible to detail everything regarding a pupil’s behaviour, the school authorities reserve the right to make the final decision in interpreting this Code and related matters.